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Free Animal A Lyric Breakdown

Free Animal: A Lyric Breakdown

Verse 1

First Impressions

The song opens with the protagonist's heart beating out of rhythm, like a broken record. They are disoriented and dizzy, lost in their own thoughts. The lyrics immediately create a sense of urgency and emotional distress.

Longing and Dependency

The protagonist reveals that the only person who can calm them down is "you." This suggests a deep longing and dependence on another person, potentially a romantic partner. The use of the word "only" emphasizes the exclusivity of this bond.


Circular Patterns

The chorus introduces the metaphor of circles, with the protagonist's head spinning in dizzying patterns. This imagery reflects the protagonist's confusion and lack of control over their emotions.


The lyrics, "All of this time I should've known," imply that the protagonist has been blind to something important. It suggests a moment of self-reflection and the realization of a missed opportunity.

Verse 2

Broken Communication

The second verse introduces the idea of broken communication. The protagonist laments that "words don't come out right," highlighting the difficulty in expressing their feelings.

Yearning for Understanding

The lyrics, "I just want you to understand," convey the protagonist's desperate desire for their partner to truly comprehend their emotional state. The "you" here is not just a physical presence but an emotional sanctuary.


Metaphor of Animals

The bridge introduces the concept of animals, specifically "wolves" and "a howling moon." These metaphors represent the primal and untamed emotions that are raging within the protagonist.

Relief and Redemption

The lyrics, "There is a light that guides me home," offer a sense of hope and renewal. The protagonist finds solace and guidance in the midst of their emotional turmoil.


A New Path

The outro concludes with the protagonist declaring that they are now "free." This suggests a newfound sense of liberation and the ability to embrace their emotions without fear.

Overall, "Free Animal" is a powerful and introspective song that explores the complexities of human relationships, emotional turmoil, and the pursuit of understanding.
